Technology News

The latest technology news from the world of global digital infrastructure, cyber security, advancements in AI and computer science, along with emerging disruptive technologies.

Data sovereignty and how it relates to GDPR

Learn why data sovereignty is important and what can be done by businesses to ensure they don’t fall foul of crippling fines.

Solving enterprise AI governance with a data-centric approach

Eamonn O’Neill, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer at Lemongrass, discusses the challenges businesses face in AI governance.

How smart technology is helping make sustainable living a reality

Smart technology is an example of how energy management and people-focused technology are helping residents manage their carbon footprint.

Quantum error correction improved with Machine Learning

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing have used Machine Learning to better quantum error correction.

How quantum computing will revolutionise future financial modelling

Learn how quantum computing works and how this groundbreaking technology will revolutionise financial modelling.

Using AI to ensure quality engineering in software development and testing

Learn more about the use of Artificial Intelligence in DevOps software and how it can positively impact business operations.

How AI could revolutionise the world of healthcare

With the growing pressure on healthcare providers showing no sign of slowing, learn how AI in healthcare can help increase performance.

Advancing innovation in the UK quantum space

Learn how the UK is propelling innovation in quantum technologies with Professor Tim Spiller, Director of the Quantum Communications Hub.

Quantum randomness: Why it’s essential for securing the connected future

Discover more about the importance of quantum randomness and QRNGs in maintaining essential cybersecurity safety systems.


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Innovation News Network brings you the latest technology research news with a focus on disruptive technology, computer science, digital infrastructure, and cyber security.

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