EvolutionNews - Page 1

Scientists investigate the importance of symmetry in evolution

A research team from the University of Bergen has conducted an experiment to determine the importance of symmetry in evolution. Scientists have observed that symmetry...

Discovery of fossil revolutionises structure of Vampyropoda

Collaborative research conducted by the American Museum of Natural History and Yale University, reveals a new species of Vampyropoda, with 10 arms rather than...

Wild salmon are getting smaller due to aquaculture

Researchers from Finland used genetic methods to determine if a fishery for an aquaculture fish food source, combined with changes in salmon fishing, are...

Scientists reveal patterns in contemporary evolution theory

A new global dataset gathered by researchers has uncovered the various factors that have influenced the contemporary evolution theory such as, human disturbances and...

Study on salmon’s noses reveals magnetic perception across life

Scientists committed a study, analysing the sensory mechanisms in salmon to understand exactly how magnetic perception works. Magnetic perception It’s widely understood in the scientific community...

Darwin’s finches evolve to ward off avian vampire fly

Experts from Flinders University studied Darwin’s finches on Galápagos Islands and found females that spend longer inside the nest can ward off deadly larvae...

Analysis of neural networks explains why humans cannot fly

An investigation into neural networks has potentially provided an answer for an age-old question, why can't humans fly?

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