FoodNews - Page 3

Farmed seafood is a climate smart form of agriculture

With over 125 years’ experience in supporting the nation’s fisheries, NOAA Fisheries shares some of the work it is doing to ensure aquaculture has a positive impact on environmental, social, economic development.

Pollinators key to fighting climate change and creating green cities

Research conducted as part of the URBAN GreenUP project indicates that pollinators play a significant part in enhancing city sustainability and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Multi-stakeholder agricultural co-operatives and sustainability

Dr Thomas W Gray, from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Co-operative Programs, explains why multi-stakeholder co-operatives may be able to bequeath more democratic organisational models and organisations to future generations that can help address sustainability questions and dilemmas.

Intra-cellular bacteria open new avenues of study in plant health

Understanding the intra-cellular bacteria of healthy plants is opening new fields of research to improve future plant health and propagation efforts.

Technological improvements in precision crop irrigation

Scientists at University of Illinois have identified solutions that could lead to technological advancements in precision crop irrigation.

Grasses take evolutionary shortcut with lateral gene transfer

Grass crops can bend the rules of evolution by borrowing genes from their neighbours – in a process called lateral gene transfer – giving them a competitive advantage.

How do seabirds interact with aquaculture and fisheries?

Researchers investigate the interactions between Mediterranean and Atlantic seabirds and aquaculture and fisheries.

Crop rotations with legumes offer more nutritious and sustainable food production

Researchers have found that growing more legumes could be a more nutritious and sustainable food production approach for European agriculture.

The benefits of UV technology in aquaculture

With almost 40 years of experience with using UV technology in aquaculture, VGE makes aquaculture more sustainable.

Unravelling the mystery of recirculating aquaculture systems

Marineholmen RASLab CEO, Mark Powell, explains the basis behind recirculating aquaculture systems technology, which in recent years, has been an area of significant focus in the aquaculture industry.

The application of machine learning in agriculture

Mike Coffey, researcher at Scotland’s Rural College, explains how machine learning in agriculture is being used to transform the industry.

Small-scale fisheries could be the key to climate resilience in the food industry

According to an analysis of small-scale fisheries, small-scale fisheries could help the food industry increase its climate resilience.

EU project creates technology to estimate biomass of farmed fish

An EU-funded project has developed a new method for estimating the biomass of farmed fish kept in net pens.

Do microplastics in soil affect the growth of agricultural crops?

A new research project at the University of Bayreuth will assess the effects of microplastics in soil on the growth of agricultural crops.

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