PP Bonn PaleontologyNews - Page 1

The evolution of giant body size in animals: What can it tell us about giant ichthyosaurs?

Learn more about the evolution of giant body size in animals and how this can tell us more about the mystery of the giant ichthyosaur.

Can studying bone microstructure solve the fossilisation mystery?

Discover how fossil bone microstructure research can help uncover a deeper understanding of human bone biology.

My inner dinosaur – what can palaeontology teach us about human anatomy?

Professor Dr P Martin Sander of the University Bonn's Paleontology Department takes us on the fascinating journey that forged human evolution and explains how...

The evolution of the spine and intervertebral disk

Dr Tanja Wintrich and Professor Dr P Martin Sander from the University of Bonn’s Paleontology Department discuss dinosaurs, sea monsters, the evolution of the spine and intervertebral disk and the lessons learned for biomedical research

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