Oceana LithiumNews - Page 1

New year promises exciting news for Oceana’s lithium projects

Oceana Lithium has made progress with its lithium projects in Brazil and Australia.

Oceana Lithium shares news on its projects in Brazil and the appointment of a new CEO, Caue Araujo, to lead them

Learn how a new CEO and project places Oceana Lithium at the forefront of the Brazilian lithium mining industry.

Field exploration work commences at Oceana’s Monaro Lithium Project

Oceana Lithium Limited has announced that field exploration work is now underway at the Monaro Lithium Project in James Bay, Quebec.

Oceana breaks new ground in Brazil with its flagship lithium project

Learn more about the significant developments of Oceana Lithium's flagship lithium project in Ceara State, Brazil.

Oceana Lithium: Leading lithium development in Brazil and Australia

Oceana Lithium has appointed several high-profile new hires, as they ramp up their lithium exploration projects in Brazil and Australia.

New Brazilian legislation boosts Oceana Lithium’s mining project

Oceana Lithium is set to take advantage of new Brazilian foreign trading legislation that will boost its lithium mining projects.

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