Space TechnologyNews - Page 15

Potential applications for low-temperature plasmas

Dr Joseph Zimmerman, a Senior Scientist at CU Aerospace, discusses recent experimental investigations of applications for low-temperature plasmas. Solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas. As the...

Revealing the mysterious origins of Asteroid 16 Psyche

A University of Arizona led study has indicated that the origins of the metallic asteroid 16 Psyche may be more enigmatic than once thought.

Jet lobe reveals death of Supermassive Black Hole

Astronomers have identified the final moments of a dying Supermassive Black Hole by analysing a light echo 3,000-years-old.

Exploring the planet Venus for the first time in 30 years

NASA has announced that it will embark on two missions to analyse Earth’s scorching sister, the once potentially habitable planet Venus.

CU Aerospace: reducing space debris with micropropulsion systems

CU Aerospace is working to reduce dangerous space debris with the development of its responsible space micropropulsion systems. Spun out of the University of Illinois...

British spaceflight will soon be possible for the first time

Groundbreaking new developments could lead to British spaceflight, with rockets and satellites potentially launching from UK soil as early as 2022.

UK companies unite to build innovative beam-hopping satellite

A consortium of UK space technology companies is developing a new beam-hopping satellite that will enable satellites to shift which part of the world they cover.

ALMA discovers the most ancient galaxy with Spiral Morphology

Researchers at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) have examined data obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and discovered an ancient galaxy with a spiral morphology by only 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang.

Searching beyond the solar system for life on exoplanets

LIFE – a future space mission to characterise the atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets and search for life outside the Solar System.

Analysis of Universe expansion could lead to new model of astrophysics

An international group of researchers, monitoring the expansion of the Universe with Supernovae, have made observations that could dramatically alter our understanding of astrophysics.

New methods of distributing quantum encryption keys from space

A novel mission using quantum technology to encrypt messages from space is to be tested on a satellite as part of a new programme.

The SKA Observatory has announced its novel future branding

The formally known SKA Observatory, based at the iconic Jodrell Bank Observatory, has divulged its future SKAO branding.

Chemical signature discovered on exoplanet for the first time

A collective of international researchers has identified a novel chemical signature in an exoplanet’s atmosphere for the first time ever.

Scientists might be able to detect signs of extra-terrestrial life within the next decade

A new telescope launching this autumn could spot biosignatures – signs extra-terrestrial life – on other planets within three days.

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