Home Data-driven solutions for forest management

Data-driven solutions for forest management

MHG Systems began in 2005 in Mikkeli, Finland, with a vision. The owner of 500 hectares of forest land was struggling to manage his property in an easy and profitable way.

He designed MHG Systems to tackle the problem, and revolutionise the forest and biomass supply chain business through digital services along the way.

Today, MHG Systems is one of the EU’s most innovative and fastest growing SMEs, with a committed team of 8-10 multidisciplinary professionals and more than 3,000 commercial users. With the rise in the number of new remote forest owners with relatively little experience, the company continues to grow, and its data-based approach puts it a step ahead.

The accessible forest

In this booklet, the company’s CEO Seppo Huurinainen details the products and services that are revolutionising the forestry business, not only in Finland but throughout Europe. These services include Wuudis, a full-service digital property management platform which connects various stakeholders together in an easily accessible way. This service is ideal for users including:

  • Forest owners;
  • Local contractors;
  • Timber buyers;
  • Biomass buyers; and
  • Local authorities.

The company provides a number of additional services to landowners which can make the management of forest property easier and more profitably. Other products on offer from MHG Systems include:

  • The MHG Biomass Manager, a complete solution for bioenergy production, procurement, managing, harvesting and logistics;
  • MHG Mobile, which allows real-time management of forest assets and human resources; and
  • The MHG BioPlant Optimiser, a feasibility assessment service for bioenergy investments.

These services offer a number of benefits, including ensuring that forest owners do not underestimate the value of their property; that timber buyers are able to find the right sellers for their needs, and the right species and quality that they require; that insurance companies can provide policies based on accurate data; and that service providers are easily put in touch with landowners who require their services.

For more information, visit the MHG Systems website: https://www.mhgsystems.com/