plastic pollution

UK aids progress towards action on plastic pollution

During negotiations held this week, progress has been made toward agreeing on a global treaty to end plastic pollution by the end of the year.

Cancer treatment: Prioritising the patient

EORTC explains the importance of patient-centric clinical research in cancer treatment to improve quality of life.
Researchers are turning methane emissions into green jet fuel

Australian researchers create green jet fuel from methane emissions

Scientists from the University of Sydney have innovated a process for turning methane emissions into green jet fuel.

Digital Partnership Council: EU and Japan advance partnership for digital transformation

The EU and Japan have held their second Digital Partnership Council in Brussels, promoting their vision for a digital transformation that respects fundamental rights.
air travel emissions

Air travel emissions must be reduced, researchers say

New research has uncovered that carbon emissions associated with professional conferences make up a sizable fraction of air travel emissions.
ai and quantum research

European Commission to invest €112m in AI and quantum research

The proposals for AI and quantum research fall under Horizon Europe’s 2023-2024 digital, industrial and space work programme. Read more here.
renewable hydrogen

EU Commission awards €720m to 7 European renewable hydrogen projects

The European Commission has announced around €720m in funding to support seven European renewable hydrogen projects.

A leading clinical research organisation with an academic advantage

MHICC is a clinical research organisation and trusted partner in the execution of investigator-initiated trials and pharmaceutical/biotech clinical programmes with decentralised trial solutions.

Queensland’s Battery Industry Strategy sets course for a green energy future

Hon Grace Grace from the Queensland Government outlines the objectives and benefits of the State’s Battery Industry Strategy.

Université du Québec: A diverse and dedicated research institution

The Université du Québec, a renowned research institution, details its recent achievements in its effort to improve Canadian lives.