Technology News

The latest technology news from the world of global digital infrastructure, cyber security, advancements in AI and computer science, along with emerging disruptive technologies.

Growing the UK’s quantum technology ecosystem

Learn more about the capabilities of quantum technology and how the UK can establish itself as a quantum superpower.

The advancement of quantum technology in Ireland

Ireland has long been a quantum research powerhouse, but now, with new legislation, they are setting the stage for a further revolution in the journey to Quantum 2.0.

Digital Partnership Council: EU and Japan advance partnership for digital transformation

The EU and Japan have held their second Digital Partnership Council in Brussels, promoting their vision for a digital transformation that respects fundamental rights.

Artificial intelligence developed through nature-inspired AI research

Professor Yaochu Jin is conducting research into nature-inspired artificial intelligence at Bielefeld University, in an attempt to develop AI capabilities. Researchers have long investigated how...

Government takes initiative to protect UK cyber interests 

The government has released the National Cyber Strategy 2022 which sets out how to protect UK cyber interests and promote the UK’s interests in the ever-changing online world.  The UK government...

Constructing a quantum computer in Europe

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has donated €29m to build a novel quantum computer in Europe. The potential advantages of quantum computers are...

Safer vehicles with new impaired-driver sensor technology

Researchers create new impaired-driver sensor technology that can monitor a person’s respiration and pulse rates, paving the way for safer vehicles. The bipartisan infrastructure bill...

Groundbreaking development of quantum-based chip technologies

NTU Singapore has officially launched the Quantum Science and Engineering Centre to facilitate the development of quantum-based chip technologies. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore)...

CDEI publishes roadmap to world-leading AI assurance ecosystem

The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation has revealed the necessary steps to develop a world-leading AI assurance ecosystem in the UK. The Centre for...


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