Home ISSP UL: Advanced material research and technology transfer

ISSP UL: Advanced material research and technology transfer

The University of Latvia’s state of the art excellence centre of advanced material research and technology transfer opens its doors to Innovation News Network in order to discuss their work in education, innovation and scientific discovery.

The Institute of Solid State Physics, founded at the University of Latvia, is one of the leaders in the material sciences and cross-disciplinary fields within the Baltic State. Researchers at the Institute of Solid State Physics provide internationally competitive research and innovation solutions for industrial applications.

In 2001, the Institute for Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia has been awarded the European Commission Centre of Excellence entitled “Excellence Centre of Advanced Material Research and Technology” (CAMART).This relationship with the European Commission Centre was strengthened in 2017 when the Institute for Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia was the first research organisation in the Baltic Sea region receiving funding for the implementation of the project CAMART.

Support from the European Commission, in addition to Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Education and Science, and Ministry of Economics, has provided an opportunity for the Institute for Solid State Physics to become a Trans-Baltic hub for the rising scientific excellence, boosting technology transfer and starting innovation along Riga-Stockholm axis and beyond.

The University of Latvia’s Institute of Solid State Physics focuses their four priority research field. The first of which being theoretical and experimental studies of material structure and properties. Secondly, the institute studies the everchanging world of nanotechnologies, thin films, nanomaterials and ceramics. The final two focus areas of the Institute of Solid State Physics are functional materials for photonics, sensorics and electronics, and, materials for energy harvesting and storage.