Home The promising future of the lithium industry

The promising future of the lithium industry

This Special Focus Lithium eBook explores how the lithium industry will reinforce supply chains to meet the growing demand for clean technologies.

Lithium is crucial for clean energy due to its pivotal role in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are integral to electric vehicles and energy storage in renewable systems, storing excess energy from sources like solar and wind for later use.

The demand for lithium continued to soar in 2023 as nations globally strive to meet their climate goals. As we enter the new year, the lithium industry is working to reinforce essential supply chains of this critical mineral to meet the ever-growing expansion of green technologies.

Diversifying supply

In this new lithium-focused eBook, alternative sources of lithium production are heavily considered. Diversifying sources of lithium is essential for ensuring a secure supply chain, especially as demand for lithium continues to grow.

Brent Wilson, Founder and CEO of geoscience exploration company, Galvanic Energy, discusses the history and progression of petrolithium exploration. Petrolithium has been described as an exciting alternative to conventional lithium mining. As the demand for lithium continues to rise, it is anticipated that petrolithium reserves will develop in the near future.

The Geothermal Technologies Office at the U.S. Department of Energy further discusses the potential of other sources of lithium, focusing on the Salton Sea geothermal areas in California.

Later in the eBook, The International Lithium Association provide an insight into what to expect for the industry in the upcoming year.

Key projects in the lithium industry

Elsewhere in the eBook, key players in the lithium industry outline the importance of their mining projects for keeping up with demand. Oceana Lithium details the progress it has made with its lithium projects in Brazil and Australia.

Century Lithium also details its Clayton Valley Lithium Project, which has the potential to bolster US lithium production for the growing electric vehicle and energy storage sector.

The exploration of alternative sources of lithium and the concerted efforts of industry leaders underscore the landscape and future of the crucial lithium industry.