Highlighting the versatile applications of helium with #pulsarignite

Given the wide-ranging applications of helium, Pulsar Helium’s groundbreaking marketing incentive: #pulsarignite showcases the various industries reliant on this critical raw material.

Pulsar Helium’s primary function is to develop its assets to the point of potential production, which include the Topaz project in Minnesota and the Tunu project in Greenland. Its secondary objective is to educate, engage and foster interest among those not traditionally aligned with mineral exploration.

From the outset, Pulsar were keen to engage a diverse audience and build awareness surrounding helium and its many applications. As a newly formed company with an ambitious and visionary rostrum of executive talent, they knew something special would be required to capture public attention.

Recognising the importance of positively influencing the next generation while also
appealing to established industry players, they understood any marketing outreach designed to engage and educate would need to stand out while remaining fun and educational.


Digital marketing incentive #pulsarignite was born of a desire to physically showcase helium applications, bring people closer to end products and services and highlight the importance of this critical raw material to everyday life. It was therefore decided a monthly digital roadshow would work well as a vehicle to educate, inspire learning and possibly capture the attention of entry-level investors.

#pulsarignite explained

Introducing an exciting collection of themed world-class consumer experiences showcasing real-world helium applications. The uses of helium are diverse, and each month Pulsar puts the spotlight on a different industry.

To highlight helium’s various applications, Pulsar has partnered with some of the world’s most exciting companies to deliver themed monthly opportunities. #pulsarignite is now entering its fifth month and has already successfully partnered with a variety of globally recognised brands.

See below for a rundown of what has been achieved so far:

June: Automotive month | Envision Racing


Pulsar partnered with the world’s leading Formula E team, Envision Racing to showcase helium in motion. Helium is widely used in electric vehicle manufacturing, most notably for semiconductors, battery leak detection, laser cutting, welding, and testing. The lucky winners joined Pulsar and the team at the London E-Prix where Envision Racing successfully won the Season 9 ‘Teams Championships’ and logged nine podium finishes, four wins and three season poles during a record breaking and thrilling 2023!

July: Quantum month | NewScientist


Pulsar partnered with NewScientist to highlight the use of helium in the development of quantum technology. Superconducting circuits are crucial to quantum computers and helium is used to keep these circuits operating at extremely low temperatures. Our lucky winners are attending ‘The Quantum World’ in London on 28th October where they’ll discover how the scientific community’s knowledge of matter and quantum theory is revolutionising our understanding of biology and enabling quantum computers (a revolutionary new way of computing) to solve problems, impossible with today’s technology.

August: Fabrication month | Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Tours


Pulsar partnered with ‘Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Tours’ to highlight how helium is being used in the manufacturing of wind turbines. The majority of joints in wind turbine fabrication involve circumferential Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). This process uses helium as a shielding gas (due to its inert nature), allowing for consistent welds at higher heat transfers to ensure quicker, more efficient fabrication processes. Our winners visited the site by boat to witness 116 x 140m tall turbines generating enough green energy to power 350K+ households annually.

September: Renewables month | ASEC Group and Envision Energy


Pulsar partnered with ASEC Group and Envision Energy to highlight how battery technology is playing an increasingly pivotal role in the green energy transition. Battery storage technologies enable energy from renewables to be stored, then released when the power is needed most, helping maintain balance between supply and demand within the power system. Our lucky winner took a guided tour around one of Europe’s biggest Gigafactories and saw the battery production process in motion from start to finish.

With Diving Month recently announced and the prospect of Robotics Month on the horizon, there’s much to look forward to.

This type of marketing initiative looks to be a world first for a company operating in the natural resources space and has undoubtedly helped grow both Pulsar’s public profile and its ability to reconnect with influential companies (many of which are dependent on Helium for their operations) at a later date when they reach production.

If you’re interested in learning more about helium and winning an exclusive opportunity to visit a Pulsar partner facility, follow @pulsarhelium, search #pulsarignite and complete the Typeform for your chance to win. Good luck!

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