Unlocking Space for Business set to benefit organisations around the UK

The UK Space Agency has launched the Unlocking Space for Business programme to help organisations take advantages of satellite data and services.

Unlocking Space for Business is an 18-month programme that will bring the benefits of satellite data and services to hundreds of new organisations across the UK. The programme primarily focuses on the leading transport, logistics, and financial services sectors.

The programme will offer the opportunity to bid for a share of up to £6m UK Space Agency funding later this year to help launch pilot projects, data procurement, and partnerships.

As well as this, Unlocking Space for Business will provide workshops, networking events, learning and development opportunities, and online resources to support companies in their understanding of what satellite data can do for them.

Dr Paul Bate, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, said: “Unlocking Space for Business will champion the use of space and help tackle barriers facing organisations that have not traditionally used satellite data or services.

“This will help catalyse further investment into our growing space sector and deliver greater benefits for businesses, people, and the environment.”

Harnessing the advantages offered by satellites

Global satellite services support activity that contributes £370bn to the UK economy. This is around 17.7% of the GDP.

A large number of businesses have the opportunity to harness the advantages offered by satellites, due to the cost of accessing space falling and the pace of innovation increasing. The advantages include enhanced imagery, connectivity, and navigation capabilities.

Specifically, satellite imagery can be used to improve the measurement of climate variables and verification of customer insurance claims after extreme weather events. Satellite position and navigation can also be utilised to support location tracking.

Passengers and crews can use satellite connectivity to stay in touch with operators on shore.

George Freeman MP, Minister of State at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, said: “With UK space open for business like never before, sectors as diverse as transport and finance have a huge opportunity to bring the benefits of satellite data down to Earth and improve their operations, deliver for customers and ultimately grow their industries.”

Satellite data can unlock and deliver new revenue growth opportunities, operational efficiencies, ESG benefits, and improved customer experiences for businesses.

About the Unlocking Space for Business programme

Unlocking Space for Business is set to connect leading data suppliers, technology integrators, insight providers, and end-users with innovative solutions using satellite data and services.

PwC is supporting the delivery of the project.

Organisations can get involved with the Unlocking Space for Business programme and keep up to date with planned activities ahead of the funding call opening later in the year.

Unlocking Space for Business is part of the UK Space Agency’s Inspiration Programme, delivering the National Space Strategy goal.

Lucy Edge, Chief Operating Officer and Acting CEO at the Satellite Applications Catapult, said: “We’re excited to launch Unlocking Space for Business today.

“By bringing together key players in the satellite industry, integrators and end users, we’ll make it easier for businesses to access the business-critical data they did not even know was available to them.

“We’ll also connect companies with government funding sources to test out pilot projects using satellite tech.”


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