Technology News

The latest technology news from the world of global digital infrastructure, cyber security, advancements in AI and computer science, along with emerging disruptive technologies.

Aurora supercomputer breaks exascale computing threshold

The Argonne National Laboratory’s Aurora supercomputer has officially passed the exascale computing barrier.

UK joins European supercomputer scheme EuroHPC

With the UK's membership in EuroHPC, British academics are set to gain access to substantial future supercomputer research funding.

The importance of responsible AI in a rapidly evolving landscape

Dr Paul Sant, Head of Computer Science at The University of Law, discusses the importance of developing responsible AI amidst cybersecurity challenges.

Catching up with the trend: Artificial Intelligence (AI) to monitor farm animal welfare

The ClearFarm project uses sensor and deep learning technologies to assess the welfare of farm animals throughout the value chain.

Quantum 2030: Ireland launches first national strategy for quantum technologies

As quantum technologies continue to innovate, Ireland has implemented Quantum 2030 to put itself ahead in the global playing field.

The CHIPS Act: The US’ response to semiconductor supply chain challenges

Innovation News Network looks at how the CHIPS Act is helping to tackle semiconductor supply chain challenges in the US.

The impact of the European Chips Act on global technology markets

Discover how the European Chips Act is designed to bolster the EU's share in worldwide semiconductor production.

Creating eco-friendly smart cities with green IoT technology

Smart cities are adopting green IoT technologies for environmentally friendly solutions to reduce energy consumption and harmful emissions.

The quantum computing race will be won on scalable hardware

SemiQon believes the next era of quantum computing will be achieved through semiconductor-based quantum hardware. Read more here.


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