Technology News

The latest technology news from the world of global digital infrastructure, cyber security, advancements in AI and computer science, along with emerging disruptive technologies.

Labour launches AI strategy to contribute to growing UK industry

Labour has revealed that it plans to launch an AI strategy to strengthen its technology policies ahead of the next general election.

Aurora supercomputer breaks exascale computing threshold

The Argonne National Laboratory’s Aurora supercomputer has officially passed the exascale computing barrier.

UK joins European supercomputer scheme EuroHPC

With the UK's membership in EuroHPC, British academics are set to gain access to substantial future supercomputer research funding.

Can pioneering AI in organisations boost business productivity?

Learn more about how pioneering AI in organisations could help with organisational effectiveness and productivity.

Quantum computing of the near future: Overcoming society’s most profound challenges

Learn more about how developments in quantum computing of the near future can solve significant challenges across several industries.

Will businesses be impacted by the EU AI Act and what can they do to prepare?

Discover the ways businesses will be affected by the EU AI Act and find out what businesses must do to prepare for this.

UK will receive £1bn digitalisation boost through Electronic Trade Documents Act

Learn more about the Electronic Trade Documents Act and how it will pave the way for digital infrastructure in trade.

How businesses can ethically collect data to power generative AI tools

Discover the legal and data privacy concerns of generative AI tools, and what companies should do to address them.

Artificial Intelligence: A tool for assault or defence?

Learn about the concerns regarding Artificial Intelligence and find out how AI can actually be used to mitigate these challenges.


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