AstronomyNews - Page 11

Revealing the enigmatic evolution of the surface of Mars

In the first study of its kind, world-leading researchers have potentially uncovered the mysterious processes that forged the surface of Mars.

Photographing the M87 galaxy black hole

Professor Heino Falcke, Radboud University, Nijmegen, spoke to Innovation News Network about the first ever photograph of a black hole - which is situated...

Substructures discovered at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy

Remains of tidal arms derived from interactions with satellite galaxies in the distant past was discovered by astronomers at the edge of the Milky...

Alma telescope reveals the process where stars embrace

Astronomers from the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have utilised the Alma telescope to discover the phenomenon of two stars embracing as they...

Deep mantle krypton reveals Earth’s outer solar system ancestry

Krypton from the Earth’s mantle, collected from geological hot spots in Iceland and the Galapagos Islands, reveals a clearer picture of how our planet...

A spacecraft – NASA’s Parker Solar Probe – touches the Sun for the first time

In a groundbreaking advancement, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has entered the Sun’s solar atmosphere, marking the first time in history a spacecraft has touched the Sun.  In a world first,...

Detecting active black holes with novel method

Astronomers have determined a new way of identifying active black holes and measuring how much matter they are drawing in. This innovative technique for detecting...

Astronomers discover the fastest optical flash of a Type Ia supernova

A team of astronomers at Kavli IPMU capture the fastest optical flash emitted from a new-born supernova to discover how Type Ia supernova explosions...

1,000-year-old supernova explosion captured in 3D

Researchers have captured 3D images that reveal previously unknown details about the elements ejected during a supernova explosion. Data, which has been gathered by the...

Carbon dioxide cold traps on the moon have been confirmed

Lunar carbon dioxide cold traps discovered could be used to sustain robot or human presence on the moon. After decades of uncertainty, researchers in Washington...

Revealing the formation site of planetary systems at a solar system scale

Takayuki Muto of Kogakuin University discusses how ALMA has delivered images of the formation site of planetary systems similar to our Solar System. Planets are...

Detecting exoplanets with high precision

Editor Georgie Whitworth spoke to Ana Heras Pastor, Head of the Astrophysics Observatories Section at the European Space Agency, to learn more about the PLATO mission to detect and study exoplanets.

Astrophysicists reveal the source of uncommonly heavy neutron star binaries

Researchers conduct a unique study highlighting how the explosion of a stripped massive star in a supernova can lead to the development of a heavy neutron star or a light black hole.

Dwarf planet Vesta: an insight into the early solar system

A collaboration of researchers is utilising data from the dwarf planet Vesta to better comprehend the earliest era of our solar system.

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