BoronNews - Page 1

5E Advanced Materials reports first boric acid production

The first production of boric acid allows the company to potentially become an approved supplier to targeted customers. Read more here.

5E Advanced Materials launches commercial production at 5E Boron Americas Complex

5E Advanced Materials, Inc. has announced that commercial operations have begun at the company's industry-leading 5E Boron Americas Complex.

5E Advanced Materials nears milestone in commercial boric acid and lithium production

Explore 5E Advanced Materials' strides in boric acid and lithium production, from mining to market engagement.

Sustainable boron production to enable global decarbonisation

5E Advanced Materials, Inc. is providing access to one such material: boron, through sustainable production practices.

Releasing hydrogen stored in boride sheets for a clean energy future

A team of scientists has investigated the potential of hydrogen boride sheets as practical hydrogen carriers. Read more here.

From concept to reality: The impact of boron nitride on electric vehicle design

Learn more about how the exceptional benefits of boron nitride can power a sustainable electric vehicle industry.

Exploring the potential of boron in renewable energy technologies

Boron's unique properties hold untapped potential for renewable energy technologies, prompting a deeper exploration into this fascinating element.

The role of boron carbide ceramics in modern defence systems

An in-depth look at the pivotal role of boron carbide ceramics in enhancing modern defence systems' strength, durability, and effectiveness.

5E Advanced Materials reports exciting boric acid and lithium results at Boron Americas Complex

5E Advanced Materials has made significant strides in its mining operations, announcing lithium presence and boric acid.

Beyond graphene: The exceptional power of two-dimensional boron nitride

Discover how the LMI laboratory in Lyon has been developing the tailored synthesis of boron nitride by pyrolysis of preceramic polymers.

Quantum simulations enable prediction of stable boron nitride structure

Researchers at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) have successfully predicted the most stable boron nitrate structure with the utilisation of...

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