Technology News

The latest technology news from the world of global digital infrastructure, cyber security, advancements in AI and computer science, along with emerging disruptive technologies.

The advancement of quantum technology in Ireland

Ireland has long been a quantum research powerhouse, but now, with new legislation, they are setting the stage for a further revolution in the journey to Quantum 2.0.

Digital Partnership Council: EU and Japan advance partnership for digital transformation

The EU and Japan have held their second Digital Partnership Council in Brussels, promoting their vision for a digital transformation that respects fundamental rights.

European Commission to invest €112m in AI and quantum research

The proposals for AI and quantum research fall under Horizon Europe’s 2023-2024 digital, industrial and space work programme. Read more here.

Exploring the threat of cyberattacks on businesses

Kevin McMahon, CEO of Cyjax Limited, discusses the ever-looming threat of cyberattacks facing small and medium-sized businesses today.

Pushing the boundaries of quantum technologies with novel collaboration

A novel partnership between UC Santa Barbara researchers and Cisco Systems aims to push the boundaries of quantum technologies.

Revolutionising the electronics industry with nanomaterials

The Graphene Flagship’s Sanna Arpiainen explains how nanomaterials will unveil a new generation of electronics, promising new functionalities and applications.

Funding boost for secure and safe autonomous vehicle projects

Autonomous vehicles in the UK boosted by the announcement that four groundbreaking projects have been awarded £2.3m funding from the government.

Making significant progress towards a safer digital future

A novel Technology Access Programme will deliver UK technology companies with training and opportunities to block cyber vulnerabilities, and lead to a safer digital future.

Using blockchain technology to enhance secure communications

Researchers have developed a method that utilises blockchain technology to improve the capacity for secure communication for robot teams.


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