Atmospheric ScienceNews - Page 4

European storms exacerbated by the effects of climate change

A team of climate experts has identified that European storms will be significantly intensified in the coming years due to climate change.

Attaining accurate weather forecasts and nuclear theory with supercomputers

Professor James P. Vary from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Iowa State University explains how supercomputers are revolutionising weather forecasts and predictive...

EDGAR reveals air pollutant emissions decrease in developed countries

A study utilising EDGAR technology has indicated that air pollutant emissions have regressed in more developed countries. 

Carbon accounting may be inaccurate due to impacts of floods

A global analysis has revealed that floods may be as influential on plants' carbon uptake as droughts, impacting carbon accounting methods.

Researchers make progress in attaining reliable space weather forecasts

A team of researchers at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) have been able to obtain reliable space weather forecasts.

Predicting future ozone layer levels with Artificial Intelligence

A new Artificial Intelligence (AI) system has been demonstrated to forecast dangerous ozone layer levels up to two weeks in advance.

Understanding the Earth’s ionosphere to improve communications

Solar flares jetting out from the Sun and thunderstorms on Earth influence the planet's ionosphere, impacting long range communications.

Over one million deaths caused by burning fossil fuels in 2017

A study has concluded that more than one million global deaths in 2017 were attributable to burning fossil fuels.

Destruction of ancient ozone layer stunted human population

Research has signified that a primordial supervolcano severely decreased atmospheric ozone levels, reducing the human population.

Clues to future climate change effects found in Antarctica

A novel investigation of smoke particles trapped in Antarctic ice spanning back hundreds of years may reveal the planet's future climate change effects. The study,...

Earth’s water reservoirs accountable for greenhouse gas emissions

Researchers have identified that the Earth’s water reservoirs emit more considerable greenhouse gas emissions than previously anticipated.

Ancient icy clouds may hold the answer to water on Mars

Researchers from the University of Chicago believe that icy clouds have solved the interstellar mystery of water on Mars.

Lowering CO2 emissions through the use of a new perovskite catalyst

The development of a novel perovskite catalyst may potentially pioneer new technology in the battle against C02 emissions.

Clues to an Archean eon water world in the Earth’s mantle

A new study has found that Earth may have been engulfed by a gargantuan global ocean during the Archean Eon.

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