Space ExplorationNews - Page 23

Death of star causes galactic pinball in a planetary system

A novel study has indicated that four giant planets in a planetary system will begin to pinball off each other upon the death of their Sun.

Observing a gigantic blinking star near the centre of the Milky Way

Astronomers have observed a huge 'blinking' star near the centre of the Milky Way, more than 25,000 light-years away.

Revealing the secrets of a gigantic ice cloud on Mars

The Planetary Science Group has examined the dynamics of a peculiar ice cloud on Mars that could be up to 1,800 km long and 150 km wide.

Galactic wind reveals oldest Supermassive Black Hole in the Universe

A team of researchers have identified a gigantic interstellar wind that was produced by a supermassive black hole 13.1 billion years ago.

Revealing the mysterious origins of Asteroid 16 Psyche

A University of Arizona led study has indicated that the origins of the metallic asteroid 16 Psyche may be more enigmatic than once thought.

Jet lobe reveals death of Supermassive Black Hole

Astronomers have identified the final moments of a dying Supermassive Black Hole by analysing a light echo 3,000-years-old.

Finding astronomical bodies needed for the beginning of life on Earth

Researchers at Kobe University have conducted research that will allow for an increased number of astronomical bodies to be considered as candidates for the source of the water and organic substances necessary for the beginning of life on Earth.

Investigating the jets emitted by massive protostars

A team of astronomers have discovered a distinct difference between the material ejected by massive protostars and less-massive protostars.

Exploring the planet Venus for the first time in 30 years

NASA has announced that it will embark on two missions to analyse Earth’s scorching sister, the once potentially habitable planet Venus.

Dark Energy Survey gives accurate insight to the Universe’s evolution

The Dark Energy Survey uses observations of 226 million galaxies to gain the most precise insight to the Universe’s composition and evolution.

Phenomena at the heart of the Milky Way revealed

A new study has unveiled ferocious phenomena at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy, potentially providing details of our galaxy’s evolution.

CU Aerospace: reducing space debris with micropropulsion systems

CU Aerospace is working to reduce dangerous space debris with the development of its responsible space micropropulsion systems. Spun out of the University of Illinois...

Research reveals the first very events of the Big Bang

A study has potentially provided fresh insights on the inception of the Big Bang, explaining how everything we know came into existence.

Furthering our understanding of the origins of cosmic rays

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have developed a simulation model to improve our understanding of the origins of cosmic rays.

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