Space ExplorationNews - Page 26

Exploring the far side of the Moon and beyond with NESS

Dr Jack Burns, of the Network for Exploration and Space Science, discusses missions to the far side of the moon and beyond.

Astronomers observe magnetic fields at edge of the M87 galaxy black hole

The Event Horizon Telescope collaboration has measured polarisation, an indicator of magnetic fields, at the Messier 87 galaxy black hole.

Using high-energy neutrinos to identify sources of high-energy cosmic rays

Professor Carsten Rott discusses exploring the Universe with high-energy neutrinos to identify the sources of the high-energy cosmic rays and in search for new phenomena.

Astronomers discover supernova remnant far from the galactic plane

Astronomers at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics have identified a previously unknown supernova remnant, named Hoinga.

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking

Jupiter's Great Red Spot has been shrinking and researchers have found that small anticyclones have been changing its 90-day oscillation.

Bacteria could help ‘space farmers’ grow plants on Mars

A recent discovery aboard the International Space Station has demonstrated how researchers can use bacteria to help grow plants on Mars.

Rock weathering alters a planet’s atmospheric chemistry

Scientists are investigating how the weathering of rocks influences the atmospheric chemistry of planets, altering their habitability.

Space 2021 – the commercialisation of space

Paul Kostek, Advisory Systems Engineer at Base 2 Solutions, provides insight into the future commercialisation of space.

Jet of particles found exiting supermassive black hole in the early Universe

Astronomers have discovered evidence of a long jet of particles coming from a supermassive black hole in the early Universe.

Best chance of studying rocky planet atmospheres outside our solar system

A newly discovered planet could be our best chance of studying rocky planet atmospheres to determine their habitability.

Novel observation method shows promise in imaging Earth-like planets

New technique for reducing light interference during telescope observations enables imaging of Earth-like planets in nearby solar systems.

Milky Way could contain many planets like Earth

Researchers predict that there are likely many planets like Earth that have formed around other stars in the Milky Way.

Could life from Earth survive on Mars?

A new study by NASA and German Aerospace Center has found that some microbes from Earth can temporarily survive on Mars.

NASA’s most advanced rover safely lands on Mars

NASA’s most advanced rover touched down on Mars yesterday after a 203-day journey traversing 293 million miles (472 million kilometres).

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