AstrophysicsNews - Page 5

Baby universes could present as primordial black holes

The Kavli Institute believe that primordial black holes, which formed in the early Universe, could be hidden ‘baby universes’.

Mars’ climate history to determine potential habitability

A collaborative research team, led by Purdue University, has discovered that mounts of ice in craters provide a new insight into Mars’ climate history. Newly...

Simultaneous measurements of low-energy solar neutrinos made possible

Scientists working on the Borexino neutrino detector in Italy have shown that simultaneous measurements of low-energy solar neutrinos are possible. Physicists measuring the properties of...

Simulations of the early Universe revealed by astronomers

The Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics has revealed a simulation of the early Universe, which is described to look like fireflies flickering in the darkness. The...

Movement of white dwarfs has been mapped by scientists

A research team from Lund University has mapped the movement of white dwarfs in the Milky Way, revealing information about these perplexing stars. What is...

Analysing long-lived particles could explain mysteries of the Universe

Physicists participating in the ATLAS experiment are on the hunt for new, long-lived particles that could help to explain several outstanding mysteries of the...

Analysing the characteristics of the Apophis asteroid

A novel research study has analysed the characteristics and dynamics of the Apophis asteroid that is set to pass in close proximity to the...

Natural gravitational wave detector discovered in the Moon’s orbit

A collaborative research team suggest utilising distance variations between the Earth and the Moon as a new gravitational wave detector. The theory of gravitational waves...

NASA reveals the James Webb Space Telescope’s expected success

NASA expects that, following the completion of the vital mirror alignment steps, the James Webb Space Telescope will succeed in its operation. What have the...

Quantum gravity theory to shed light on theories of the universe

A collaborative research team including Chalmers University of Technology (CUT), has presented results that cast new light on important challenges in understanding novel quantum...

Astronomers discover biggest molecule yet in a planet-forming disc

By utilising the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, scientists at Leiden Observatory have detected dimethyl ether in a planet-forming disc. Researchers at the Leiden Observatory in...

Scientists observe novel black hole formation

A research team from the University of Turku, Finland, has discovered that the axis of rotation challenges current theoretical models of black hole formation. What...

The Electron-Ion Collider: A precision tool for studying the ‘glue’ that binds visible matter

Professor Abhay Deshpande, of Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Dr Zein-Eddine Meziani, of Argonne National Laboratory, outline the potential of the...

Ytterbium: A mysterious element mapped by astronomers

A research team, led by Lund University in Sweden, has provided an important clue to the origin of the element ‘Ytterbium’ in the Milky...

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