HydrogenNews - Page 14

Optimising oxygen evolution reaction to isolate hydrogen without using fossil fuels

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have been investigating methods to optimise oxygen evolution reaction in research that could make using hydrogen as a clean energy source more efficient and affordable.

Renewable energy source from hydrogen gas produced from water

Researchers from Linköping University are developing a renewable energy source from hydrogen gas produced from water and aided by sunlight.

Renewable hydrogen and Europe’s green future

Kitti Nyitrai, a member of the European Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson’s Cabinet, discusses the future of renewable hydrogen, from policy frameworks to R&D, and its key role in Europe's green future.

Innovating hydrogen fuel technology with MAXIMATOR

MAXIMATOR discusses its innovative hydrogen fuel technology, including its solutions for hydrogen compression, dispense, and storage. Hydrogen fuel can be produced through several methods. The...

UK-based researchers will develop a new hydrogen propulsion system for sub-regional aircraft

A UK-based collaboration programme, worth £54m, will develop the first hydrogen propulsion system for GKN Aerospace’s sub-regional aircraft.

Producing green hydrogen using sunlight-photosensitive-nanostructured electrodes

A team of researchers has developed a new method of producing green hydrogen using sunlight-photosensitive-nanostructured electrodes.

New hydrogen gas sensor uses nanometre-thin 2D sheets of zinc oxide to alert producers of dangerous leaks

Scientists have developed a novel hydrogen gas sensor that uses nanometre-thin 2D sheets of zinc oxide filled with nanometre-size holes.

New research consortia to develop technologies for hydrogen production

Two new research consortia, led by the US Department of Energy, are charged with exploring new methods and technologies for hydrogen production. Hydrogen can effectively...

UK to launch new facility for converting plastic waste into hydrogen energy

Infrastructure development company, Peel L&P Environmental plan on building the UK’s first facility for converting plastic waste into hydrogen energy. The waste-to-energy eco-plant is to...

New findings on spinel oxides may improve hydrogen extraction

Researchers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, have identified the parameters that determine the efficiency of spinel oxides, a low-cost catalyst that aids the extraction...

Graphene can be used to increase the durability of hydrogen fuel cells

A new paper suggests that chemically altered graphene can be used to increase the durability of hydrogen fuel cells for cars. The paper, published in...

New catalyst can perform three reactions needed for hydrogen fuel

A team of researchers, based in Japan, have developed a new catalyst that can assist three chemical reactions used in the hydrogen fuel industry. Hydrogen...

New solar-powered nanodevice can sustainably produce hydrogen

Researchers have successfully designed a new solar-powered nanodevice that can sustainably split water atoms to produce hydrogen. In their recent paper, published in Biomedical Spectroscopy...

Developing microreactors that transform water into hydrogen fuel

Scientists from the University of Southampton have used solar energy to convert optical fibres into photocatalytic microreactors that transform water into hydrogen fuel. In a...

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