NickelNews - Page 4

Tanzania: Tomorrow’s source of clean nickel for the world

Kabanga Nickel Ltd’s CEO Chris Showalter, outlines how the world-scale nickel sulphide deposit in Tanzania will meet the increasing global demand for clean nickel. The...

Exploring Zambia’s premier nickel mine

Consolidated Nickel Mines Ltd are committed to meeting growing nickel demands with a conscience. A perfect example is their Munali nickel mine, unique in...

Kabanga Nickel to accelerate project after securing special mining licence

After receiving a special mining licence from Tanzania, Kabanga Nickel is to step up its project in the East African country. Kabanga Nickel is the...

Altilium: Supplying sustainable nickel for the revolution of electric vehicles

Altilium generate high levels of nickel with minimal environmental impact to fuel the green revolution of electric vehicles.

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