Space ExplorationNews - Page 10

Space Situational Awareness: Achieving space sustainability

Connie McCreath, Operations Manager of Northern Space and Security Ltd, discusses the company’s critical role in the Space Situational Awareness industry. Space has become a...

Researchers challenge Einstein’s theory using extreme stars

An international research team have conducted a 16-year long experiment with the aim to challenge Einstein’s theory of general relativity. A research team from the...

Super-Earth observed near the habitable zone of red dwarf

A super-Earth planet has been discovered near the habitable zone of a red dwarf star only 37 light-years from the Earth. The new discovery of...

Analysing large carbonaceous molecules in cosmic environments

Dr Christine Joblin of the CNRS and her colleague Dr Hassan Sabbah of the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier highlight the ability...

How does a supermassive black hole influence star formation?

A collaborative research team led by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, has investigated the influence of supermassive black holes on star...

Discovering planets in orbit around binary star systems

A consortium of scientists has discovered a novel technique for discovering exoplanets that orbit around binary star systems known as, Cataclysmic Variables. Over the last...

UK’s largest space cluster launches to rocket UK space industry

Surrey and Hampshire’s research institutes launch UK’s largest regional space cluster that is set to skyrocket the UK space industry. Surrey and Hampshire’s research institutes,...

Scientists develop an animated model of the Milky Way to investigate dust

Astronomers at the Royal Astronomical Society utilised an animated model of the Milky Way to investigate dust, allowing them to determine groundbreaking conclusions regarding...

Astronomers investigate a fast radio burst originating from a distant galaxy

Researchers from McGill University, in collaboration with other institutions, have detected a persistent and fast radio burst from a distant galaxy. The astronomers have discovered...

Iron and the possibility of life on other planets

New insights on iron from the University of Oxford could narrow down the search for life on other planets. The Innovation Platform spoke to...

A pulsar’s ability to host planets: Revealed at the first exoplanet detection

A research team from the Royal Astronomical Society investigated the first exoplanet detection and revealed that a pulsar has the ability to host planets,...

Rocks provide new insight into the Earth’s magnetic field

Researchers at the University of Oslo have developed the theory that during the Devonian period, the Earth’s magnetic field was incredibly weak, which may...

The S4716 Star: The fastest known star in the Milky Way

A collaborative research team including the University of Cologne and Masaryk University in Brno have observed the S4716 Star, the fastest known star in...

Gemini Observatory discovers ultra-faint dwarf galaxy

An ultra-faint dwarf galaxy has been discovered on the outer fringes of the Andromeda galaxy by an amateur astronomer. An unusually ultra-faint dwarf galaxy has...

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