Space ExplorationNews - Page 5

Gamma-ray burst study reveals a new possible type of star death

Learn how astrophysicists have traced a gamma-ray burst to the nucleus of an ancient galaxy, revealing a new possible type of star death.

Artificial photosynthesis devices could support human life on the Moon and Mars

University of Warwick Scientists are developing artificial photosynthesis technology that could help support human life on Mars and the Moon.

Unique jet structure of brightest gamma-ray burst explored in new study

Why did the afterglow of the brightest gamma-ray burst of all time remain visible for so long after the event?

Webb detects complex organic molecules 12 billion light-years from Earth

US researchers have identified complex organic molecules 12 billion light-years from Earth using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

ESA invites proposals for commercial space cargo services to the ISS

The European Space Agency (ESA) is inviting European companies to innovate commercial space cargo solutions.

Large water plume from Saturn’s moon Enceladus mapped by Webb

Learn about the large water plume from Saturn's moon that has been detected by researchers using the James Webb Telescope.

Exciting news as the JUICE mission is now ready for launch

The JUICE mission, which aims to explore the planet Jupiter and its three largest moons, is now ready to leave Earth.

Fermi-LAT’s latest gamma-ray observations deepen the cosmic-ray mystery

The latest constraints provided by the Fermi Large Area Telescope have changed our understanding on the origin of cosmic rays.

Upcoming Mars Analog Mission will use and improve the field of robotics

The upcoming Mars Analog Mission will advance the development of space exploration through international collaboration and research.

JUICE mission: Exploring Jupiter and its icy moons

The JUICE mission will make detailed observations of the giant gas planet and its three large ocean-bearing moons.

Artificial Intelligence finds that first stars were formed in groups

Artificial Intelligence has found that the very first stars in the Universe were born in clusters rather than as isolated stars.

Venus analogues used to gain insights into Earth’s future

Researchers have compiled a list of Venus analogues to gain valuable insights into Earth’s risk of developing a runaway greenhouse climate.

Relativistic jets found to impact star formation

Researchers have discovered that the Teacup galaxy is the ideal case to study the effects of relativistic jets on star formation.

Potential to locate life on Mars with Artificial Intelligence

Researchers have found that AI can help identify hidden patterns within geographical data that could indicate life on Mars.

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