Technology News

The latest technology news from the world of global digital infrastructure, cyber security, advancements in AI and computer science, along with emerging disruptive technologies.

Digital Partnership Council: EU and Japan advance partnership for digital transformation

The EU and Japan have held their second Digital Partnership Council in Brussels, promoting their vision for a digital transformation that respects fundamental rights.

European Commission to invest €112m in AI and quantum research

The proposals for AI and quantum research fall under Horizon Europe’s 2023-2024 digital, industrial and space work programme. Read more here.

Big tech is circling – the entertainment industry needs an AI roadmap now to avoid disaster

The entertainment sector can continue fighting AI and hand the keys over to big tech or engage with it to build a flourishing future.

How the UK is set to dominate the global AI race

The UK is set to remain Europe’s AI leader and secure third place in the global AI race behind the US and China.

How quantum computers signify the next chapter in the evolution of computing

Learn more about the evolution of computing and how quantum computers have the potential to revolutionise it further.

Deutsche Telekom opens groundbreaking quantum research lab in Berlin

The quantum research lab will be dedicated to groundbreaking research, including integrating quantum tech into commercial telecoms networks.

Quantum error correction improved with Machine Learning

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing have used Machine Learning to better quantum error correction.

How quantum computing will revolutionise future financial modelling

Learn how quantum computing works and how this groundbreaking technology will revolutionise financial modelling.

Using AI to ensure quality engineering in software development and testing

Learn more about the use of Artificial Intelligence in DevOps software and how it can positively impact business operations.


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Innovation News Network brings you the latest technology research news with a focus on disruptive technology, computer science, digital infrastructure, and cyber security.

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