Technology News

The latest technology news from the world of global digital infrastructure, cyber security, advancements in AI and computer science, along with emerging disruptive technologies.

Digital Partnership Council: EU and Japan advance partnership for digital transformation

The EU and Japan have held their second Digital Partnership Council in Brussels, promoting their vision for a digital transformation that respects fundamental rights.

European Commission to invest €112m in AI and quantum research

The proposals for AI and quantum research fall under Horizon Europe’s 2023-2024 digital, industrial and space work programme. Read more here.

Big tech is circling – the entertainment industry needs an AI roadmap now to avoid disaster

The entertainment sector can continue fighting AI and hand the keys over to big tech or engage with it to build a flourishing future.

Employing Artificial Intelligence technology in museum exhibits

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) analyse the pros and cons of incorporating Artificial Intelligence technology in museum exhibits. Hands-on and interactive exhibits are staples...

Monitoring Artificial Intelligence language systems

Researchers from the Technical University of Darmstadt demonstrate that Artificial Intelligence language systems can learn human concepts of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Although moral concepts, in...

£685m funding granted to develop green aviation technology

The UK Government has awarded £685m to the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI), to develop green aviation technology. The ATI will receive £685m from the UK...

Brain-inspired computing revolutionised with ‘in-memory’ applications

A research team from Twente University leads the HYBRAIN project, which introduces ‘in-memory computing,’ to develop brain-inspired computing. Current computer technology employs ‘edge computing’ to...

Self-driving cars revolutionised by wave absorption shielding technology

A research team from the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), has succeeded in developing the world’s first ultra-thin composite film, which is expected...

Scientists create pliable and printable free-form lithium-ion batteries

Scientists design stretchable, free-form lithium-ion batteries that can be printed on clothing and utilised in digital wearable devices. A Korean research team has developed a...


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