Space ExplorationNews - Page 13

Loss of bone mass to be avoided with space grown lettuce

A research team from the American Chemical Society (ACS) has developed a transgenic lettuce to mitigate the loss of bone mass, that can be...

Mega Moon Rocket to take its final test before Artemis I Moon mission

NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Mega Moon Rocket with the Orion spacecraft atop arrived at Launch Pad 39B at the agency’s Kennedy Space Centre...

Natural gravitational wave detector discovered in the Moon’s orbit

A collaborative research team suggest utilising distance variations between the Earth and the Moon as a new gravitational wave detector. The theory of gravitational waves...

NASA reveals the James Webb Space Telescope’s expected success

NASA expects that, following the completion of the vital mirror alignment steps, the James Webb Space Telescope will succeed in its operation. What have the...

Developing Europe’s first facility for extra-terrestrial samples

The Science and Technology Facilities Council has received funding to develop the concept design for Europe’s first facility for extra-terrestrial samples. Over the next 10...

UK Government announces plans for largest ever research and development budget

The £39.8 billion research and development budget for 2022-2025 will help deliver the UK Government's Innovation Strategy and drive forward scientific ambitions. The largest ever...

British space technology gains significant funding

British space technology will assist in innovating novel approaches to energy, communications, and resources, thanks to new projects from the UK Space Agency.  Science and...

Time to act: Tackling space debris

Tim Flohrer, Head of the Space Debris Office at ESA, discusses the increasing challenge of space debris and emphasises why we must take immediate...

Astronomers discover biggest molecule yet in a planet-forming disc

By utilising the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, scientists at Leiden Observatory have detected dimethyl ether in a planet-forming disc. Researchers at the Leiden Observatory in...

Scientists observe novel black hole formation

A research team from the University of Turku, Finland, has discovered that the axis of rotation challenges current theoretical models of black hole formation. What...

Ytterbium: A mysterious element mapped by astronomers

A research team, led by Lund University in Sweden, has provided an important clue to the origin of the element ‘Ytterbium’ in the Milky...

Fast radio bursts detected in a surprising location in space

Astronomers have been surprised by discovering the closest located source of the mysterious cosmic flashes in the sky, known as fast radio bursts. Precision measurements...

JWST: Reaching unexplored wavelengths with MIRI

George Rieke, Professor of Astronomy and Planetary Sciences at the University of Arizona and Science Team Lead for the James Webb Space Telescope’s Mid-Infrared...

Ground-based telescope revolutionises how scientists observe exoplanets

A research team from the University of Birmingham has employed a ground-based telescope to observe an exoplanet called ‘Kepler-16b.’ What is Kepler-16b? Kepler-16b is an exoplanet...

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