Space TechnologyNews - Page 16

Scientists might be able to detect signs of extra-terrestrial life within the next decade

A new telescope launching this autumn could spot biosignatures – signs extra-terrestrial life – on other planets within three days.

Using Artificial Intelligence to detect anomalies in space

Researchers at Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg are training Artificial Intelligence on a satellite to discover unknown phenomena in space.

New observations reveal 21/Borisov as the most pristine comet ever

Fresh findings from the ESO's VLT reveal that rogue comet 21/Borisov may be the most pristine we have ever encountered.

Exploring the far side of the Moon and beyond with NESS

Dr Jack Burns, of the Network for Exploration and Space Science, discusses missions to the far side of the moon and beyond.

European MMIC project aims to improve space technology

A consortium project led by Germany’s Ferdinand-Braun-Institut and funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) is working to develop Ka-band gallium nitride (GaN) monolithic...

Bacteria could help ‘space farmers’ grow plants on Mars

A recent discovery aboard the International Space Station has demonstrated how researchers can use bacteria to help grow plants on Mars.

Space 2021 – the commercialisation of space

Paul Kostek, Advisory Systems Engineer at Base 2 Solutions, provides insight into the future commercialisation of space.

Driving excellence: the Portuguese presidency of the European Council

How the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the EU will be driving the EU’s strategic agenda in a sustainable way post-COVID-19.

Best chance of studying rocky planet atmospheres outside our solar system

A newly discovered planet could be our best chance of studying rocky planet atmospheres to determine their habitability.

New images of space debris allow scientists to prevent space collisions

Scientists ihave developed a method of taking images of space debris, which could help space agencies prevent future collisions.

Novel observation method shows promise in imaging Earth-like planets

New technique for reducing light interference during telescope observations enables imaging of Earth-like planets in nearby solar systems.

Juno space probe detects extremely bright meteoroid explosion

Researchers have identified a bright flash, detected by the Juno space probe above Jupiter's clouds, as a bolide, a meteoroid explosion.

Milky Way could contain many planets like Earth

Researchers predict that there are likely many planets like Earth that have formed around other stars in the Milky Way.

Could life from Earth survive on Mars?

A new study by NASA and German Aerospace Center has found that some microbes from Earth can temporarily survive on Mars.

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