Integrated mineral carbonation: Decarbonising Western Australia

A research team from Curtin University is pioneering decarbonisation in Western Australia through integrated mineral carbonation. Bill Johnston, MLA, Mines and Petroleum Minister, announced on...

Advancing waste heat recovery in Portugal for a greener future

The European project, EMB3Rs, is discovering new ways to achieve industrial waste heat recovery in Portugal to raise energy efficiency, cut carbon emissions and...

New approach revealed to reduce EV battery testing time by 75%

Researchers at the University of Michigan (U-M) have emphasised that testing the longevity of new electric vehicle battery designs could be four times faster...

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Poweralliance: doubling of grid capacity on the medium voltage level

Sector coupling promotes the penetration of technologies with a price-driven mode of operation allowing for better exploitation of grid capacity. In order to mitigate the risks of climate change, an extensive energy system decarbonisation has to be made a reality...

Why calorimeters are essential to improve battery safety

Safety testing in battery calorimeters paves the way for improved understanding and prevention of thermal runaway. Established in 2011, the Calorimeter Center at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s (KIT) Institute for Applied Materials – Applied Materials Physics, now operates Europe’s...

Is the UK doing enough on the circular economy?

Is the UK’s materials industry ready to be part of the circular economy; and what more can be done to implement a sustainable circular approach? The circular economy and activities related to it have evolved quite dramatically over the last...

Green chemistry: how ECHA can help European industry to use safer chemicals

Bjorn Hansen, the Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), spoke to Innovation News Network about how the agency is working to help European industry substitute existing chemicals for safer substances. AS an agency of the European Union, the...

Food safety standards in agriculture: a Dutch overview

Following a raft of safety scandals on Dutch farms, Member States must work together to enforce standards and provide quality to consumers. Improving food safety standards in agriculture Following the "sick cow" scandal in Poland and the recent call for an...

Electrification of transport in the EU key to achieving carbon targets

Bo Normark of InnoEnergy and the European Battery Alliance spoke to Innovation News Network about how electrification of transport is vital to emissions reduction in the EU. As Europe looks towards creating a greener future for energy consumption, governments need...

Energy grid cybersecurity must evolve to meet new challenges

EDP Distribuição Director Aurélio Blanquet, the newly elected Chair of the ENCS Assembly Committee, talked to Innovation News Network about his new role and the state of cybersecurity across the European energy sector. EDP Distribuição has been a member of...

smartPORT Hamburg: embracing port digitalisation

Digitalisation is one of the recent main factors driving the traditional port industry to fully reshape its business and make the industry more efficient and sustainable. Hamburg is one of the biggest port cities in Europe; and is commonly known...

Aquaculture 4.0: applying industry strategy to fisheries management

Hector Martin of Smalle Technologies explains how the aquaculture industry is applying innovative Industry 4.0 technologies to revolutionise fishery management strategies. The term “Industry 4.0” is applied to strategies of digitalisation and automation of the manufacturing process, based on the...

Circular economy packaging: stylish and sustainable

COLOURFORM demonstrates that circular economy packaging design does not need to compromise on style and substance. Prestige paper-maker James Cropper is no stranger to change; with a history dating back to 1845, today the company is renowned for its expertise...

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