Contributor ProfileNews - Page 55

The age of digitised biology

Digitised biology, an integrated Pre-Pilot Plant facility, and a Biofoundry are some of the key drivers in The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability’s...

Perovskite solar cells: research towards a greener future of renewables

The Koleilat Research Group is working to make perovskite solar cells greener so that they can be deployed around the world to provide safe...

High-precision astrophysics and multi-messenger studies

Professor Kinwah Wu from University College London’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory discusses high-precision astrophysics in the context of multi-messenger studies of gravitational radiation sources...

Neutrinos, antineutrinos and fundamental interactions

Professor Roberto Petti from the University of South Carolina discusses current and future neutrino experiments (including a dedicated LBNF beamline at Fermilab) designed to...

Connecting neutron star diversity to that of supernovae explosions

Professor Samar Safi-Harb’s research addresses the physics of such objects as supernovae and neutron stars, and answers questions around their diversity, formation, and evolution,...

Investigating emerging pathogens in amphibians and reptiles

Investigating emerging pathogens in amphibians and reptiles at the Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health of the University of Bern in collaboration with info...

Developing a computational auditory model

Professor Masashi Unoki, from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, discusses his work on developing a computational model of the auditory system. The...

Water in space and the formation of new planets

Professor Edwin Bergin from the University of Michigan’s Department of Astronomy explains why a better understanding of water in space is crucial in understanding...

Combining science and AI for breakthroughs in age-related disease

Undiscovered European AI biotech company Aladdin Healthcare Technologies continues to build novel technologies and achieve new milestones to combat age-related disease. Aladdin Healthcare Technologies is...

Probing the Universe’s ‘ghost particle’

Yale University’s Professor Karsten Heeger and Temple University’s Professor Jim Napolitano outline the study of neutrino oscillations with Daya Bay and PROSPECT: a collaboration...

PharmaLedger – innovative blockchain technologies for healthcare

The PharmaLedger Project’s leaders explain why blockchain technologies are needed to meet some of the challenges faced by the healthcare sector and how the...

Rice production under climate change

Members of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan, have been conducting ‘Free-Air CO2 Enrichment’ experiments to ascertain the impact that climate change...

Gravitational wave observatories and multi-messenger astronomy

Joey Shapiro Key, an Assistant Professor at University of Washington Bothell, looks at the advent of multi-messenger astronomy and the role that gravitational wave...

e-shape: bridging Earth observation communities to change lives

Research Directors from the National Observatory of Athens describe how their Earth observation expertise poises them to contribute meaningfully to the pioneering e-shape project. The...

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