Earth ObservationNews - Page 4

Analysing the current European Earth observation market

Christopher Oligschläger, Market Analyst at the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies, gives an overview of the current European Earth observation market and sets...

University of Cambridge: First to capture image of the Earth’s interior layers

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have captured an image of the Earth’s interior layers, revealing an unusual pocket of rock at the boundary...

Future food security is potentially threatened by subsoil compaction

Researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences have revealed that future food security in Europe, America, and Australia is threatened by subsoil compaction. What...

Deep ocean warming investigated in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean

A research team from the University of Exeter has investigated deep ocean warming in the North Atlantic Ocean. What causes deep ocean warming? The majority of...

Unearthing links between the climate crisis and societal inequalities in Niger

RSS Hydro Geoscientist & UAV Pilot Margherita Bruscolini discusses the links between the climate crisis and societal inequalities in Niger, affected by migration, gender,...

Pursuing the transition to a more sustainable Europe by 2030

The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is developing inactivates to back the European Green Deal to create a more sustainable Europe by...

Lower-level ozone could be causing increased ocean warming

Scientists believe that air pollution and a lesser-known ozone layer is causing the increased ocean warming in the Southern Ocean. New research has identified a...

Scientists are highlighting the importance of green coding technology

Scientists are analysing the benefits of producing sustainable software and preforming green coding to help combat climate change effects. Devastating climate change effects have obliged...

Groundbreaking advances in Earth Observation technology

Margherita Bruscolini, Geospatial Scientist and Drone Pilot at RSS-Hydro, discusses advances in Earth observation technology and introduces WASDI – an interoperable platform facilitating a variety of applications, including disaster response tools.

Creating a sustainable alternative to naturally occurring sand extraction

Researchers discover a viable and more sustainable substitute to sand in order to reduce the environmental impacts of naturally occurring sand extraction. Other than water,...

A novel cosmic ray sensor can successfully observe tsunami waves

Researchers from the University of Tokyo use muon particle technology to observe and detect tsunami waves. Highly energetic particles called muons are ever present in...

Green energy solutions to reshape city landscapes

Researchers are analysing novel green energy solutions to ensure the greening of cities benefits both people and nature alike. Several cities in Europe are embracing...

Scientists analyse coral reef bleaching to see if they can self-restore

Scientists have discovered evidence that coral reefs in remote or protected areas can quickly recover from mass coral reef bleaching events. Two years after the...

Global experts meet to discuss plastic pollution crisis

Industry leaders and academic experts are set to attend an event at the Global Plastics Policy Centre to analyse current policies and discuss the...

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