Lithium News

The latest lithium news from organisations around the globe sourcing and processing this critical raw material which is powering the electric vehicle and battery storage technology sector.

Developing Canada’s critical minerals processing capabilities

BMAC is conducting an analysis of Canada’s critical minerals processing capabilities to optimise the nation's battery value chain.

ETM’s lithium exploration strategy for sustainable energy

With lithium exploration ramping up in Canada and Spain, ETM is advancing its world-class Kvanefjeld rare earths deposit in Greenland.

Revolutionising the US lithium industry: Unlocking the Salton Sea geothermal region

Following the publication of its comprehensive analysis into lithium at the Salton Sea geothermal area, The Innovation Platform spoke to the Geothermal Technologies Office at the U.S. Department of Energy about this promising opportunity and its potential implications.

Here you will find the latest lithium supply chain news, eBooks, and special reports from Galvanic Energy, a privately held exploration company targeting domestic lithium supply and resources to advance America’s renewable energy strategy.

Discovering vast quantities of U.S. lithium resources in deep continental brines

Galvanic Energy is a privately held exploration company targeting domestic resources to advance America’s renewable energy strategy. A geoscience-driven resource exploration company with expertise in reservoir characterisation and mineral acquisition.

What is lithium used for, and where does it come from?

Brent Wilson of Galvanic Energy details how lithium is obtained around the world and its essential role in decarbonising the planet.

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