Science News

The latest science news from areas such as physics, chemistry, biology and health, along with the ever expanding field of materials science and space exploration.

Université du Québec: A diverse and dedicated research institution

The Université du Québec, a renowned research institution, details its recent achievements in its effort to improve Canadian lives.

Molecular movement insights hold potential for future nanotechnologies

In a new study, researchers from the University of Surrey and the Graz University of Technology have achieved a groundbreaking understanding of molecular movement.

Scientists discover single-mode 1D superconductivity

University of Manchester researchers have achieved robust superconductivity in high magnetic fields using a new one-dimensional system.

How do deep sea plants perform photosynthesis?

Plants on land grow by using sunlight to perform photosynthesis, but how do algae photosynthesise in the deep sea, where sunlight is limited?

Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment: Solving the Universe’s mysteries

Justin Evans from the University of Manchester details the UK’s contributions to the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment in the US.

Inside the CMS HL-LHC upgrades at Cornell University

Cornell's CMS detector will be upgraded to provide an integrated luminosity an order of magnitude larger than during the pre-High-Luminosity LHC.

What’s next for the CMS experiment?

As the Large Hadron Collider enters its Run 3 data-taking phase, Gaelle Boudoul explains what this means for the CMS experiment.

Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory deepens our understanding of dark matter

Read how Australia’s newly constructed Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory will enhance our understanding of dark matter and the Universe.

Environmental DNA successfully assesses changes in marine biodiversity

Environmental DNA has been found to successfully assess changes in marine biodiversity when key implementation steps are followed.

Exploring the production of N*s with pion and electron beams

Professor Philip L Cole explores using high-intensity pion and electron beams for revealing the inner structure of excited protons (N*s).

VTT is advancing sustainable materials with physics-based modelling and AI

VTT has advanced its Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) toolbox, known as ProperTune, to fabricate sustainable materials.

Neutrino detectors: What are they good for?

Discover how neutrino detectors are useful for more than just detecting neutrinos, also discovering a variety of other theoretical particles.

Using wastewater-based epidemiology to track viral disease dynamics

Researchers in Japan are developing a wastewater-based early warning system and mass diagnosis tool for COVID-19 and other diseases.

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Innovation News Network brings you the latest innovative science news and research project updates from the global science community. We cover physics, chemistry, materials science, environmental sciences, and the space sector plus more.


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Government of Canada

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University of Calgary

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TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator centre, is putting Canada on the Big Science global stage.

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Cornell University Science News

CMS Large Hadron Collider tracker upgrade will enhance the world of particle studies

The CMS collaboration at CERN LHC is preparing a major upgrade in preparation for the High-Luminosity LHC operations starting in 2029.
Caltech - California Institute of Technology Science News

LIGO: Unravelling the mysteries of the Universe through gravitational wave detection

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Capturing a Universal understanding from James Webb Space Telescope Images

Dr Massimo Robberto, an AURA Observatory Scientist from the Space Telescope Science Institute, details the galactic journey to capture the first breathtaking James Webb...
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Discussing the concept and design of Electron-Ion Collider detectors

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Unlocking the green potential: Transforming industrial CO2 into acetone with carbon capture and utilisation technology

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Test before investing: INN-PRESSME Open Innovation Test Bed services

Learn about INN-PRESSME Open Innovation Test Bed which creates sustainable alternatives to oil-based products for a circular economy.
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A nuclear energy renaissance in Sweden and the SUNRISE programme

Nuclear energy research is rapidly advancing in Sweden, where new policy and changing political winds are acting as a positive driving force.
University of Amsterdam Science News

The Standard Model: How can we identify its strengths and weaknesses?

Theoretical particle physicists are providing exact predictions to compare LHC measurements to reveal the strengths and shortcomings of the Standard Model. Discoveries behind the decimal...