Particle PhysicsNews - Page 4

Neutrino detectors: What are they good for?

Discover how neutrino detectors are useful for more than just detecting neutrinos, also discovering a variety of other theoretical particles.

Towards underground crystal growth and detector production in searching for ghost particles

Deciphering the origin of the Universe requires new crystal growth experiments to reduce their background from cosmogenic induced radioisotopes.

A new era of possibilities for the Large Hadron Collider

Mike Lamont, Director for Accelerators and Technology at CERN, explains what Run 3 of the Large Hadron Collider means for physics discoveries.

Analysing large carbonaceous molecules in cosmic environments

Dr Christine Joblin of the CNRS and her colleague Dr Hassan Sabbah of the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier highlight the ability...

Launching LHC Run 3: Expanding the LHC physics programme

CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Run 3 is set to launch after three years of upgrade and maintenance work. A new period of data collection...

Considering a career in particle accelerators? One woman’s success story

Dr Sandra Biedron, Research Professor at the University of New Mexico and former Argonne physicist, spoke to The Innovation Platform’s Georgie Whitworth to discuss...

The power of particle accelerators as research infrastructures

Dr Sandra Biedron, a Research Professor at the University of New Mexico and former Argonne physicist, spoke to The Innovation Platform’s Georgie Whitworth to...

The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility: The high-intensity frontier

The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility is set to be a source of unprecedented fluxes of neutrons and radioactive nuclides. High-intensity neutron beams and large...

The DUNE experiment intends to unlock the mysteries of the neutrino

Stefan Söldner-Rembold, Co-spokesperson for Fermilab’s Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), explores the groundbreaking discoveries that the experiment is set to enable. The U.S. Department of...

Achieving sustainable photon upconversion

Scientists in Mainz and Berlin have successfully utilised chromium for efficient green-to-blue photon upconversion. Sustainable chemical applications need to be able to employ and incorporate...

Conducting decay spectroscopy experiments at TRIUMF

An overview of the decay spectroscopy experiments being carried out by scientists led by Professor Corina Andreoiu from the Department of Chemistry at Simon...

Scientists revolutionise the nuclear magnetic resonance method

Researchers from the University of Vienna have revolutionised the nuclear magnetic resonance method to monitor fast and complicated biomolecular events, such as protein folding. A...

Analysing the computational complexities of CERN’s ALICE experiment

Professor Dr Udo Kebschull and Professor Dr Volker Lindenstruth, from Goethe-University and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, discuss the multifaceted technical requirements of...

Inside the upgraded ALICE nuclear physics experiment at CERN

Marielle Chartier, Professor of Physics at the University of Liverpool and member of the ALICE collaboration, explains how a fundamental perspective on the nuclei...

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