Environment News

The latest environment news looking at developments in the world of agriculture and aquaculture, along with the management of plastic waste, pollution and climate modelling

Driving carbon capture technology forward in the UK

A call for evidence was launched today for new ways to transport captured CO2 that enables UK industries to adopt carbon capture technology.

Future-proofing urban food systems: Innovations in sustainable urban agriculture

Cities2030 explores the development and implementation of innovative urban food systems to address the growing demand for food in cities.

FlowPhotoChem Project: Chemical production made sustainable

The FlowPhotoChem Project is helping to achieve European climate targets by delivering innovations for sustainable chemical production.

EU funded plant-based project to change the market

The EU funded project PROTEIN2FOOD has successfully developed an environmentally friendly and resource efficient processing method for creating plant-based proteins. The EU-funded PROTEIN2FOOD project, will...

Plant power: Chlorophyll could increase functionality of solar cells

Scientists have discovered a new type of chlorophyll molecule which can allow solar cells to function better than ever before. The process which allows plants...

Would you season food with cricket powder?

Orchestra Provision produces edible seasoning made from cricket powder. These nutrient dense powders are made from 50% cricket powder. At a time of environmental instability,...

Common Agricultural Policy allocated €365bn

The European Commission intends to streamline and modernise the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in its 2021-27 budget. The European Commission have announced their desire...

Why you should care about food waste

Approximately, 1.3bn tonnes of food goes to waste each year. But what can changing opinions and legislation do to influence the reduction of our...

Sea lice treatment: Norway delivers the future of delousing

Treatment of sea lice, which have a detrimental effect on marine ecosystems, fish health and welfare, is one of the greatest challenges in salmon...

Jetty maintenance inspection: innovation for safety

Why continue to try and inspect a jetty in the traditional way when new, cost effective methods are now available with drone technology? Maintenance inspection...

Regenerating Europe: can circular economy be achieved by 2030?

Vice President of the European Commission spoke about the importance of regenerating Europe at the Horizon Europe ‘New Parliament, New Commission, new agenda’ event. In...

The water contamination epidemic

To control the current water contamination epidemic, we must begin with land use reform and then move towards comprehensive land management solutions. Freshwater resources including...

Increasing the resilience of corals

Kazuhiko Koike, a professor of Hiroshima University, has found that the coexistence of giant clams with corals may be important for coral reef ecosystems. Giant...

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Innovation News Network brings you the latest environment news from the world of environmental science research with a focus on agriculture, aquaculture, ecotechnology and pollution.

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