Environment News

The latest environment news looking at developments in the world of agriculture and aquaculture, along with the management of plastic waste, pollution and climate modelling

Research identifies advanced PET plastic recycling methods

A Chinese Academy of Sciences review has identified new methods for PET plastic recycling. Discover how the methods can combat plastic waste.

New clean-up strategy for PFAS pollution in fire suppression foams

Scientists at UC Riverside and Clarkson University have created a new strategy to clean up PFAS pollution from decades of use of fire suppressant foams at military air bases and commercial airports.

Food production boosted by University of Essex plant lab

A $3.7m plant lab will allow scientists to adapt plants to a hotter, drier planet, increasing food production as the security of supply becomes increasingly threatened.

Bioeconomy is an opportunity for rural Europe

From the European Network for Rural Development, Laura Jalasjoki outlines the opportunities in bioeconomy for rural development, as well as the policy context around...

Burning issues for animal gene banks: news from IMAGE H2020 project

A stakeholders survey has revealed positive attitude towards an increased use of bio banks to conserve genetic diversity in the livestock sector. Conservation of animal genetic...

How an innovative solution for wheelie bins could help to save the planet

BinStrap’s Gaelan Goodfellow explains why the company’s cost-effective solution for wheelie bins can help to prevent waste entering both the marine and land environments. You...

Bridging the gaps between the natural and social sciences

Dr Chantal Claud outlines how the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Observatory is bridging the gaps between the natural and social sciences so as to better observe...

Bringing together marine physics data for EU marine knowledge

The marine-data initiative EMODnet, implements the EU’s Marine Knowledge 2020 strategy by bringing together marine data from different sources. When it comes to marine research,...

The shifting landscape of animal genetic resources in Europe

The EFRP’s Coralie Danchin spoke to SE about how the landscape of animal genetic resources (AnGR) is changing in Europe today. The European Regional Focal...

Poweralliance: doubling of grid capacity on the medium voltage level

Sector coupling promotes the penetration of technologies with a price-driven mode of operation allowing for better exploitation of grid capacity. In order to mitigate the...

Why calorimeters are essential to improve battery safety

Safety testing in battery calorimeters paves the way for improved understanding and prevention of thermal runaway. Established in 2011, the Calorimeter Center at the Karlsruhe...

Is the UK doing enough on the circular economy?

Is the UK’s materials industry ready to be part of the circular economy; and what more can be done to implement a sustainable circular...

Green chemistry: how ECHA can help European industry to use safer chemicals

Bjorn Hansen, the Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), spoke to Innovation News Network about how the agency is working to help...

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Innovation News Network brings you the latest environment news from the world of environmental science research with a focus on agriculture, aquaculture, ecotechnology and pollution.

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